Nicholas Schneider PhotographCollection 1912-1915 1914-1915


Nicholas Schneider PhotographCollection 1912-1915 1914-1915

The Nicholas Schneider PhotographCollection consists of images of fellow students and student activitiesassembled by Schneider during this student years at Oregon AgriculturalCollege (OAC) prior to World War I. Schneider attended OAC in 1912-1916and returned after the war to complete a BS in commerce in1922.

0.01 cubic foot, including 11photographs; 1 box



SNAC Resource ID: 6377744

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Alumnus Nicholas Schneider earned a BS degree in Commerce from Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) in 1922. A native of Portland, Oregon, Schneider completed school through the 8th grade in Portland and enrolled at OAC in the secondary school program during the 1912/1913 and 1913/1914 school years. He was enrolled as a freshman for the 1914/1915 year and in the vocational program in the 1915/1916 year. After military service during World War I, he returned to OAC in the summer of 1919 and complete...

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